Fr. Thomas-Mary of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, O.C.D., and I entered the order in 2012.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Ever since I was in grade school I had an attraction toward the priesthood and the religious life. After college, I entered the seminary for my home diocese of Brooklyn. Because I enjoyed the seminary very much, I realized that that I might be best suited in religious life. Religious life stresses the balance of good human formation, prayer, community life and, apostolate. This is for me important not only for school but for life. As a seminarian, I met some secular Discalced Carmelites in New York and I was so impressed by the Carmelite charism and its focus on prayer and love that I became a Secular (Third Order) Carmelite.
I was ordained to the priesthood and I served in my diocese while at the same time growing in my love and appreciation for the Carmelite charism in the Secular Order. A few years into my priesthood while on a Marian pilgrimage, it dawned on me that being a Discalced Carmelite friar would fulfill all of my desires. Drawn to the contemplative life in community, I decided to seek admission to the friars. I can say from my heart that I love being a Carmelite priest. It is so beautiful to live in a community that focuses on intimacy with the Lord in prayer. It is also a great gift to serve as a priest bringing the riches of Carmelite prayer and spirituality into the lives of so many people. God has given me more than I could ever imagine! I pray that many more young men will find their true vocation in Carmel.