Fr. Cyril passed away to be with our Lord on April 4, 2024. We were blessed to know him, pray with him, and live in community with him for all of these years.
My name is Fr. Cyril of the Mother of God and I entered the Order in 1950.
Looking back, I have loved my life as a Carmelite. I have met the most incredible people, been invited into their lives and families, and have especially loved the fraternity that I have found within community.
When I was a child in Philadelphia my mother and father always made sure we had a strong Catholic upbringing. They sent us to Catholic school, but most of all my parents showed me what an authentic Christian faith looked like. The extended family was also a great example to me. My mother’s cousins were somewhat famous in their time, the Scheerer family, because out of their ten children- all of them entered religious life! Half became Dominicans and half became Discalced Carmelites.
As a child the stories I heard about two of them who were Dominican missionaries in China really inspired me. They became my ideal and so from a young age I knew I wanted to become a priest. One day I was speaking to my uncle Louie (the father of the ten children in religious life) and told him I was thinking of becoming a Dominican. He looked at me, paused for a few seconds, and said: “I think you would be better off as a Carmelite”. That was all it took for me to look up the Discalced Carmelites at Holy Hill and so I entered the minor seminary right out of high school. After a year of Latin I went to the Novitiate in Boston and loved it thoroughly. It was a life I felt right at home in. The company of the brothers has been a powerful support to keep me going all these years.
After being ordained in June of 1959 I entered the most wonderful period of my life. I was now a priest forever and I could bring the light of Christ in a special way to a world filled with much darkness and hope to where there is despair. Since my ordination I have been involved in many types of ministries, including being a missionary in the Phillipines, hospital chaplain, pastor of St Florian’s parish, prior of several monasteries, and presently state chaplain to the knights of Columbus.
The draw to Carmel has always been for me the life in community and our saints. Later in my life I was allowed to attend the beatification of now Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) and since then she has accompanied me on my journey of faith. She has helped me so much and I love to read about her life and spirituality which keeps me going as I face the different crosses which come to each of us as we advance in age.
Also, I find it is so important for you to be able to share what you are going through with a spiritual director or confidant. There were times in my life where one of my brothers backed me up in regard to a difficult situation and this made all the difference. I am so blessed to be in a life that makes that possible.
When I was thinking of Carmel, my parents always gave me great freedom. They were happy for me but always said if I didn’t like it I could come home anytime, they always supported me with whatever I decided. This freedom helped me tremendously and I would give the same advice to any one thinking of Carmel. Do not be afraid, you are totally free and you will only gain by trying out a life like this regardless of where it may lead. I will be praying for you that you allow the Holy Spirit to accompany you throughout your journey.