^ Brothers attending SEEK conference
The Order Now
With a real sense of urgency we have committed ourselves, as an Order, to finding new ways of sharing our spiritual riches with all God’s people. In our day there is a great spiritual hunger, yet many are bewildered and lost, cut off from the sustaining food of eternal life. We who have received a precious heritage see our special mission in the world to be helping any who need help on their way to God. We do this by being trustworthy spiritual guides.
Since the Second Vatican Council the most characteristic change in the Order has been the growth in the field of this sharing. Throughout the world we have set up many new retreat houses, houses of prayer, and institutes of spirituality. This has brought a new energy and vitality to the Order, which we also recall, must always be rooted in the same spiritual heritage and our traditions.
In recent years the number of friars around the world has been steadily growing. The growth of the Order has been most dramatic in the countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa. As the Order adapts itself to these cultures there grows a richer cultural diversity within the unity of our common vocation. Today there are over 4,000 Discalced Carmelite Friars. With the 10,000 Carmelite nuns, and over 60 congregations and secular institutes affiliated to the Order (around 26,500 members) and with the numerous lay people in the Secular order (about 30,000 members) we make up the great Teresian family in today’s Church.