^ Br. Augustine of the Holy Trinity, OCD, our provincial tailor who makes our habits, in the tailor shop
As Discalced Carmelite friars we are called to live in a brotherhood in which all have equal rights and obligations. We all share the same charism and the same religious consecration by solemn vows. Using the gifts the Holy Spirit gives to each of us we work together so that the Order carries out its mission in the Church. Those brothers who are not ordained may undertake any work that fits their abilities, the needs of the Church and the life of the community. Brothers have been cooks, accountants, farmers, secretaries, gardeners, catechists and administrators. In our Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Eastern-Midwestern U.S.) brothers have made a vital contribution to the life and ministry of our houses. The dignity and integrity of the Brothers’ vocation is protected by the Order.
The famous spiritual writer Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (1611-1691) was a Discalced Carmelite Brother in our Paris house. There he served the community for thirty years as a cook and a cobbler. He enjoyed a continual sense of the presence of God in the midst of his daily activities. He was sought out by many including some of the famous for his spiritual advice. His spiritual maxims and letters were published after his death and today are still very popular. In his work, The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence testifies to the satisfaction of a Brother’s life, “There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful.”