Our Order: On Being a Discalced Carmelite Friar
A Discalced Carmelite friar is someone who has been called by the Holy Spirit to seek the face of the living God and hear his Word deep within. He seeks by a life of contemplative prayer to enter into communion with God the Father, through Christ his Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is this abiding commitment to prayer that makes a Discalced Carmelite. His whole life flows from that source.
Carmelite prayer has its own distinctive spirit. Our understanding of prayer is deeply theological, guided by the teaching and experience of Sts. Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross, doctors of the Church.
Prayer is a real relationship with God. Its genuineness is measured by Gospel fidelity rather than any extraordinary personal experiences. Growth in prayer is accompanied and measured by an increasing depth of faith, hope, love, joy, peace, perseverance, kindness and generosity. Contemplation is simply a growing friendship with Christ. As with any relationship it needs time and mutual presence to grow.
We are called to work in the presence of God throughout the entire day. Prayer is not confined to set times and places but is an attitude that embraces all of life. This practice of the presence of God both fosters a life of prayer and grows out of it. The Order of Discalced Carmelites provides the authentic and realistic climate for such a life of prayer.