Sandals are among the most salient features of the attire of Discalced Carmelites. “Discalced” literally means “without shoes.” Instead of leather shoes, Our Holy Mother St. Teresa wanted her nuns and friars to wear simple sandals and this tradition continues to this day. Sandals are worn as a sign of reform; they are an indication of poverty and reliance upon God.
Being “discalced” or “without shoes” also has deep biblical significance. An example of this is seen as Moses approached the burning bush and God asked him to remove his shoes from his feet because he is standing on holy ground (Exodus 3:5). On the spiritual level, being discalced reveals the Divine invitation to intimacy. Discalced Carmelites are called to a life of prayer and that literally means being put like Moses in the fiery presence of the living God. Sandals are a reminder of that poverty of spirit before God who is a consuming fire (Deut. 4:24, Hebrews 12:29).