A Vocation of Prayer
In addition, each friar is dedicated to an hour of personal prayer in the morning and another in the evening, to seek union in friendly, solitary conversation with the God we know loves us.
All our prayer, private and communal, has an apostolic dimension for it is always within and for the Church, especially for those who are most in need, those who are abandoned, and those who never pray for themselves. And, faithful to the desires of St. Teresa of Jesus, we pray always for the unity of the Church, that the day may soon come when all the baptized will gather around the one table of the Lord to celebrate the loving mercy of God.

Vocation of Community
Members in each monastery know that we belong to the larger community of our Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (represented in the Midwestern and Eastern United States as well as Nairobi, Kenya) of the Discalced Carmelite Order (represented internationally in more than seventy countries) and most especially within the larger community of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Christ.
Within community we strive for a creative balance of solitude and fraternal interaction in the spirit of brotherly love that St. Teresa desired for her followers.