My name is Fr. Michael-Joseph of St Thérèse, O.C.D., and I entered the Order in 2016.
I was born in 1982 and grew up the youngest of seven children of a Catholic family in Columbia, MD. My parents became involved in the charismatic movement in the early 70’s and from this flowed their commitment to God and their desire to make Him a priority in our family.
While this was my background I can say that I was not particularly drawn towards prayer or the Church as a child. Mass and religious education were very tiresome to me and I looked forward to being able to be independent and do what I wished. This led to a lot of rebellion and not a few sleepless nights for my parents through my youth.
When I was 18, and at a particularly low point in my life, I came to believe in the truth of Jesus Christ and his love for me; leading to a powerful conversion experience. Soon I became involved in a catholic young adult group, attending daily mass, frequent confession, and began to practice quiet prayer each day. A friend gave me a copy of “Story of a Soul” by St Thérèse of Lisieux and in reading her experiences I felt very much connected to her and drawn to her ‘way’ of confidence and love. She instilled in me that I too could become a saint.
This growing desire for holiness attracted me towards Religious Life. Yet while I visited several communities I never felt convicted that I was supposed to pursue them any further. Through the guidance of a spiritual director I decided to apply to my diocese and was accepted in 2003. I spent eight happy and grace filled years in seminary formation and was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Washington DC in June 2011.
I loved priestly ministry and had no intentions of changing my path. The desire for consecrated life never left me though and I tried to live as radically and prayerfully as I could in the midst of a busy active life. Along the way I discovered Blessed Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus O.C.D. and his writings and example helped me to fall in love with Carmelite spirituality. His books: Where the Spirit Breathes and I want to see God awakened in me a strong desire to dedicate my priesthood to making the treasures of Carmelite spirituality live on in the Church.
At a retreat one weekend I experienced a clear, loving, personal invitation from the Lord to pursue becoming a Discalced Carmelite. It is hard to put into words what this did to me. I was full of apprehension for the future, but felt an amazing peace that this is what I had been made for all along. The “God of Surprises” as Pope Francis has termed him, was revealing to me another aspect of his incredible love and mercy in my life. After being encouraged by various spiritual mentors and through consultations with my bishop, I was given permission to apply to the Order. Thanks be to God I was accepted and, after 6 months of Postulancy, entered the Novitiate receiving the habit and new religious name in April of 2017. I cannot express how happy I am to be in Carmel!
If God is inviting you to look into this, do not be afraid. He will give you everything you need. Especially get to know the Saints and Blesseds of Carmel. They will guide you by the hand to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart.