…Perhaps I should just try a “blog burst” (a series of brief posts) since it’s been months since my last post. If I had a dime for every occasion or event when I thought “I should blog that,” I’d be … well, wealthier than I am now (but there’s no evidence to prove the good intentions). The best blogs (and I do follow a few) offer something contemporaneous to the events they discuss–they’re “current.” But given my very intermittent bloggings, I tend to take an inventory of the past few months and then make some comment on past happenings.
Why am I so reticent to blog? (I ask myself.) Well, I don’t think it’s laziness. Personally, it’s that I’m not naturally inclined to regularly publishing my thoughts or the happenings of my daily life. Actually, when I discerned my entrance into Carmel, I was (and still am) drawn to a “hidden life.” Those who know me and my 6’2″ 240ish pound frame might chuckle to hear me say that (since I can’t easily hide anywhere). But it’s true. Our world is so awash in words and there are countless Twitterers and others who unreservedly disclose to the world their every thought. Lots of digital noise. Much of which is vapid. I do feel like I have much more to listen to than to say.
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